Personal Data Rights Request
Please fill out this form if you are a resident of California and wish to exercise your privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act ("CCPA").
Are you a California Resident?
Type of Request
Contact Information

(if you have a BURST account, this is the email you use to log in)

Residential Address

(The information you provide here will be processed solely for the purpose of verifying your identity and residency, identifying the information you’re requesting, and answering your request.)

*How We Will Process This Request
*We will answer your request within 45 days; however, we may require an extension of an additional 45 days to complete your request under certain circumstances. If an extension is needed, we will notify you within the initial 45 days.

Please note that we may refuse to act, as allowed within the CCPA, if a request is insufficiently substantiated, unfounded, or excessive. If we are unable to process the request for the above reasons, we will notify you.


United States
US Dollars


CAD Dollars

eco icon
Pretty simple really. Right now (only when you checkout with this special deal) we’re offering an ‘eco reward for every subscription item in your cart after the first one. So, say you had a toothbrush subscription and you decided to add whitening strips (great idea, btw), then you would get $1 off your recurring subscription total, every 90 days. Sweet! And the more you add, the more you save. With this Presidents’ Day deal, you’re already getting a $1 eco reward. Add two deals to your cart and you’ll get $3 eco rewards. Now add expanding floss and toothpaste, your savings jumps to $5 every 90 days. Now you’re cooking with gas! The discount will apply to your refill cycles for as long as you keep your subscriptions bundled.

Why are we doing this? Good question. It’s because when we put your replacements all in one box, we save on packaging. We then pass the savings on to you!